Monday, 30 March 2015

18 Weeks - Baby Frye is the Size of a Bell Pepper

18 weeks + 2 days and baby Frye is now the size of a bell pepper! The tiny flutters and kicks are becoming more noticeable and I'm so excited for our 20 week scan appointment to arrive any day now. I've started to look at double buggies (who knew they were so expensive!), I've got my eye on an iCandy Peach 3 Blossom but I'm still trawling through reviews of other options. 

Cravings - ugh! I'm so embarrassed to say that I have given in on several occasions to late night McDonalds chips. Luckily Jason works late and so he didn't have to make any special trips getting my salty fix. Every part of me usually hates McDonalds but I just couldn't resist. Thankfully this craving has now passed and I'm onto orange juice with bits in and ice lollies. Many of my friends I've spoken to have had only one or two cravings throughout pregnancy, has anyone else had more? 

I'm still finding it difficult to find maternity clothes I like. I have a few weddings to go to this year and am finding it so difficult finding anything to wear, despite searching ASOS and eBay most nights. It's been easier to find more casual maternity wear but anything slightly formal seems to be near impossible! I have found a couple of things lately, that I'm not 100% in love with but will be great for summer. My best find by far are some super comfy Minnetonka sandals I found in TK Maxx today, it pays to have a good look, I usually give up after 5 minutes!

Orange stripe dress - Topshop maternity

Tie dye tunic/top - ASOS maternity

Changing the subject, whilst working away this weekend (I'm currently on working day 8/12) I was told on more than one occasion not to lift certain things 'don't worry it's not an illness'. What does that even mean? I'm fully aware that I'm not ill. I love being pregnant! I'd love to hear if anyone reading this has experienced similar or as equally strange comments!

Thanks for reading x

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