Tuesday 9 April 2013

I won't forget you Victorian lady!

Antique books|Antique shops|Victorian portrait
I had last week off work, and despite the weather being more typically British than ever it was great to have a week to myself pottering about. I stayed with my grandparents over the Easter bank holiday - they are amazing! Despite being in their late 60s they walk 20 or so miles a week, and spend every day outside. Needless to say we went on some (very) long walks, looked around some cute nurseries (I got some primroses for my front garden) and a good few charity shops. We also came across a great fabric shop where I purchased four metres of fabric to make bunting for our wedding next year!

Here are a few photos from my few days away:

I came away with some amazing books given to me by my Grandad. The first, belonging to his dad, an encyclopedia from 1947, I could sit for hours and look through this book, it's so strange to read some of the advice given, and more importantly it gives you some antidotes to some common poisons. The antidote to most of these poisons was, wait for it......strong, warm tea!! I was also given a set of three books 'Birds of the British Isles', these were the first books that my grandad bought when he left school and are filled with beautiful illustrations. I feel so lucky to have been given these, a perfect gift for someone like me - a lover of antique books, in fact I love anything that has some history attached to it.

Last week Jason and I met up with Ellie and her Jack Russell, Max, who is so adorable. We braved Wye downs in the wind and rain, traipsed through muddy fields and woodland, met some cows and rambs. Buckley and Max had a great time getting muddy and eating cow/rabbit/sheep poo! 

On Sunday Jason and I spent the afternoon in Margate Old Town, had lunch and made a visit to our favourite antique shop - Paraphernalia. I found a victorian portrait of an old lady, I couldn't leave her behind so we bought her to add to our collection. Whenever I see old photographs in charity shop/auction/boot fair/antiques shop, part of my heart breaks. I can never understand why these would not be passed down the family. I feel like I need to buy them in order to give them a home and to say 'you haven't been forgotten!' 

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