Tuesday 23 July 2013

Keeping fit during pregancy

Keeping fit during pregnancy - I say this as though I am practicing it, but I do have the best of intentions! Before I found out that I was pregnant I was going to Lindy Hop on a Monday night, playing netball on a Wednesday and training for a half marathon in-between. When I found out that I was pregnant I knew that I'd have to quite netball straight away as it is a contact sport. Lindy Hop I could have continued with, but I was making a one hundred mile round trip and it was starting to become a chore, travelling all that way! Obviously I can no longer do the half marathon either (I was kind of looking forward to it too!), but the midwife said I should continue to go running. She said it was important for me to keep fit during pregnancy and as long as I don't over heat or go running for miles on end (as if that would happen!) then I'd be ok. 

Well that's all well and good and I had every intention of going running a few times a week, but so far I have only been once! The thought of going running in this heat coupled with constant feelings of fatigue and dizziness doesn't make it so appealing to me right now. I hope that as I move on further into the 2nd trimester I might regain some of my energy! So to keep me focused I've been looking at buying some new running trainers. Nike free run 3.0 v4 in Tropical Twist (in reality my funds won't allow me to afford these as I have a wedding to plan and baby things to buy, and I have perfectly good trainers already, but I can dream!)

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